December 6, 2023

Continuing our tradition we have once again hidden an Easter egg this year. This is how an unexpected funny feature of a software is called. We wish you fun while searching for it. While our first Easter egg of 2017 is still available, as it is very funny, we search for a new, second Easter egg. (Those of the other years do not function anymore, we are hiding something new each year.)

Please do not ask questions about the Easter egg by the contact form or by email. Those will be ignored and not answered. There is nothing to win, it is just for fun. Whoever finds it, may write an email to webmaster@physik-im-advent.de.

We will release further hints about the Easter egg here in the next days. As we do not link this page from the start page all the time, please first remember the URL of this page. And you can start the search …

December 8, 2023

Hey, remembered the URL? Obviously. Very good! Unfortunately there is not yet a hint for today, but tomorrow we will release the first hint. And continuing that way, every third day.

December 9, 2023

You do not need to be logged in anymore to trigger the Easter egg.

December 12, 2023

The easter egg is located in the calendar.

December 15, 2023

More precisely it is behind one of the calendar doors.

December 18, 2023

Even more precisely it is at the at the calendar doof of the St Nicholas' Day. This is why on December 6 you needed to be logged in and submitted the solution first. Only after that you could trigger the Easter egg.

December 21, 2023

But as the solution got published, the Easter egg can be reached without having submitted a solution or being logged in at all.

December 24, 2023

The Easter egg is a hidden link to a picture.

December 27, 2023

For the Easter egg you just need to click on the correct solution letter. The picture to be reached by that shows the “experimental setup” of the PiA website programmer, who is doing the experiment whenever he looks through the mirror at his sink in the bath room. Vis-à-vis through the mirror the misalignment of the holes of the rain shower by the slanted glass door of the shower is visible. This is where the idea for the experiment was born.

We received the first message that the Easter egg was found on December 12 already. In the days before, a few messages reached us, containing wrong (but quite good/interesting) suggestions. Later we got more and more correct solutions. We hope the search for the Easter egg was fun for you as it was for us.

We wish you a nice holiday season and a happy new year. We will see us again next year, deal?! Until then!